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There comes a time when our Rejuvenation can no longer come from outside of us...

Women are Sacred and Divine Souls. We are meant as the Vessels of Life, and we should all also consider ourselves as the representation of the Divine Feminine, as the very Life Source of Humankind.

Yet, when a woman has been the victim of someone else's inner turmoil, we turn our backs, not only on one another, but sadly, ourselves as well.

As a Survivor of the most heinous act on women - Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse - I am very aware of the inner workings of the mind, of the inner sadness which permeates our Lives and ultimately the Lives of those who we most Love and Cherish.  It is that which lives within us that creates the outer Lives...what is in your awareness that you see that insults your Soul and Breaks your Heart? No one else has that answer for you - only you have that answer.

If you are a woman who is trying to return to Her Self and you have come to that point where  you Know that your personal Healing must come from within, you will benefit from the Healing with Hula Private Sessions with me, Reverend Roxanne Cottell.  I created this program on my own when I came to the point where my reality and my inner world collided and I found that the only way back to Me was through me, and now I am offering this same measure of healing to the world of women who are not quite sure where they stand in their own lives.

If you are interested in more information, please contact me by clicking here.

Healing with Hula...Rev. Roxanne K. Cottell

Soul Coaching ...

Many of us here have such busy lives that we rarely pay attention to the inner workings, to the inner voice that tells us that there is far more happening on the inside that too many of us are willing to ignore.

Then one day we find that the dialogue in our heads keeps playing the same tortured "song", over and over again, and most of the time we just believe that where we end up is fated, is not in our control. This is the biggest lie that we tell ourselves. We are who is in total control, and we have been manipulated to believe the opposite of it.

If you would like more information about Soul Coaching Sessions with me, Reverend Roxanne Cottell, please contact me by clicking here...

The greatest thing that we can do for the world is to be the greatest testament to our own healing and the composer of the Symphony of our own Soul. 

Aloha !!! 

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